Now is the time to get out and hike!

It is in this space that I have chronicled my hikes and shared them with you.  They are hikes of all varieties for you to check out and go for yourself.  Most of my journey’s have been up to the Sierra since I live so close, but I also intend on including coastal and even some desert hikes in the future.  I believe that getting out and moving is not only important for your overall health, but also for spiritual health.  The added bonus is that it is not expensive!  Whether you like solitary time (like me), or group time, it is a great way to be immersed in something greater than yourself, something beautiful, and bonding with people who seek the same things as you.  Most of what I do, are day hikes, but I do have some backpacking aspirations on my bucket list!  So take yourself, or your friends, or your kids and dogs and see what beauty this world has to offer.  But just remember, leave no trace of where you’ve been (take your trash), as we all share these beautiful spaces with wildlife and future generations.

Yours in Solitude,
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Diane Looker